Meet Inez & Tommy


In many love stories you often hear that timing is everything.

Their story is no different. Both attended Morehouse College and Spelman College, respectively, both are apart of Greek Letter organizations (Inez is a Delta, Tommy is an Alpha) and they have many mutual friends. But before that fateful day of August 25th, 2016, Inez and Tommy’s paths had never crossed directly. In that initial conversation they realized they had so much in common.

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Some of their shared passions included traveling, healthy living, entrepreneurship, and strong family values. The defining moment of the trip occurred when Inez revealed to Tommy that she had a list (made on August 14th, 2016, a little over a week before they met) of “wants” and “needs” that her next partner should encompass. Tommy looked over the list, smiled, and told Inez that he checked every single box. Based on the timing and how everything was fitting together, the two of them felt like God's hand orchestrated their introduction and say that they were “Blessed in Ibiza!" 

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Post-Ibiza, Tommy and Inez spent the next few months truly getting to know each other. Since Inez lived in New York (working at J.P. Morgan and applying to business school) and Tommy was based in Atlanta (working in healthcare consulting), the two traveled frequently between those cities spending time together. They also spent time getting to know one another’s family, including Tommy’s 7 year old son, Tyler.

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Tommy proposed to Inez on January 14, 2017 after realizing what was obvious from the moment they met- they were true soul mates and their union was divinely driven. The couple married on July 7, 2018 surrounded by their closest family and friends. On August 19, 2019 they gave birth to their son Tommy “Rudy’ Lampley III. They are forging a path toward Forever Lampley in Atlanta, GA.